practice session

美 [ˈpræktɪs ˈseʃn]英 [ˈpræktɪs ˈseʃn]
  • 练习课;训练课,训练期,练习赛;实习期
practice sessionpractice session


systematic training by multiple repetitions
practice makes perfect
Synonym: exercise practice drill recitation


  1. He strained his back during a practice session .


  2. Through theoretical system to emphasize research and through practice session to highlight application .


  3. The template required for your practice session could not be downloaded automatically .


  4. I hit three slamdunks in the practice session .


  5. Then , during one particularly wet and muddy practice session , Wood gave the team a bit of bad news .


  6. We improvised the use of gestures , questions , and timing allocated for each section in each practice session .


  7. This practice session was also the last one in Dubai , because on Saturday afternoon the players took part in a desert safari .


  8. In contrast , volunteers who took a 20-minute power nap after completing the second practice session showed no ensuing performance dips .


  9. Initially the intervals will be smaller : you might revise a new word a few times in one practice session , and then again the next day .


  10. The Indy Racing League revealed that Jason Priestley was injured in the practice session of the race .


  11. Furthermore , Van Gaal pointed out , it was unlikely the newcomer could effectively contribute to the team effort after just one practice session .


  12. For example , I recall two instances in which I listened to someone 's Ice Breaker in a practice session and was able to offer valuable tips .


  13. In ice dance , everyone knows all the results before they even judge , yet they still sit through every practice session from five in the morning until late at night .


  14. Practice session over , we make our way down to the beach , finishing our journey down to the shore with a rickety ladder and rope .


  15. She performed that opening later that day in a practice session downtown , then again a few days later in front of a large gathering of friends , over wine and cheese .


  16. County Public Information Officer Judy Hammond said the bogus Beckham also suggested bringing underprivileged kids to a practice session of the Los Angeles Galaxy , Beckham 's new team .


  17. The hydraulics give the sensation of a launching shuttle and flight scenario software provides the commander , pilot and two mission specialists with an astonishingly accurate liftoff practice session .


  18. After the robotics class , we stopped by a ping pong practice session where I got some tips from the instructor and then had the chance to play with one of the students .


  19. Sometimes though , after a practice session involving lots of outward rotation of the legs ( as for standing poses ), it feels good to do this pose with the legs turned in .


  20. Somehow , a fan managed to climb a fence and sprint across the track at the Shanghai International Circuit in the middle of a practice session on Friday , jumping over the pit wall as a car approached .


  21. In dozens of experiments , scientists have shown that mixing related skills in a single practice session - new material and old , scales and improvisation , crawl and backstroke - seems to sharpen each skill more quickly than if practiced repeatedly on its own .


  22. At last , in actual teaching practice and training session , the web server may be encountered download request of many users .


  23. This section provides the course 's practice exams , review session notes , and solutions .


  24. Practice Three is a personalized practice session to suit the reasons you want to improve your spoken English .
